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Here are a few ideas for you to consider as you pray about going somewhere new. We'll be adding to this list regularly, so keep coming back for more ideas. The MTSBC will be happy to connect you with people who are already involved in these ministries if that will be helpful.


  • Pray about engaging an unreached people group. 


  • Consider joining another church's mission group if there are only a couple people from your church that can take a mission trip. 


  • Assemble a multi-church mission team that can adopt the same city or region.


  • Consider starting a church somewhere in Montana that has no effective gospel witness. 


  • Take a mission trip to another church in Montana or beyond.


  • Adopt a community in another country to help them get clean water or develop a micro-business.


  • Assist women in another country to develop healthy pre-natal care practices.


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