What is Go Montana?
Jesus assumed His Church would be on the go. He instructed His followers to “Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). He certainly set the example. The apostle Peter said that Jesus “went about doing good” (Acts. 10:38). Most of us want to be about the Lord’s work. That’s the goal of GO Montana. This three-year initiative encourages Montana Southern Baptists to Go Somewhere, Tell Someone, and Start Something. This web site supports the goals of GO Montana. Here you will find suggested activities you can add to your current ministries or replace ineffective ones with. The suggestions we offer do not list everything you could do. We pray that ultimately, they will help you get your own creative thinking going to develop new ministries that your church is uniquely equipped to provide. As you’re praying about what you can do, just know that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. In addition to suggestions for new ministries, you’ll also find a list of contacts who are already doing many of the things you want to do. They’re ready to help answer your questions. We encourage you to contact them for pointers on how to get started. If you don’t see a name to contact, contact us at the MTSBC and we’ll be happy to help you connect with someone to talk to about starting your new ministries. May the Lord bless you as you seek new ways to serve Him.