Written by Lito Magbanua, FBC Poplar
Our team had a very exhausting but satisfying VBS in Frazer last week. We had peaked at 22 children, and were blessed with adults in our last day. Pastor Ray Whitetailfeather preached in our closing ceremony. We capped this Frazer VBS with fellowship over Fry Bread and Juneberries soup. Praise God for the Matthew 28:19 Ministry who quarterbacked the Frazer VBS.
Today we will also begin the second VBS Poplar this summer. Five of our seven volunteers are senior citizens. Serving back to back VBS is daunting challenge for them. We are blessed this week with 9 high school students from South Carolina who are here in Poplar to go their Annual Soccer Outreach, but it will be our church team who will lead and do the teaching for this VBS.
Please pray:
1. For health, strength, and protection for our team.
2. For the children to come. We made announcements to the community, but pray that the Lord Himself will bring the participants of His choice.
3. For good weather. It has been raining here lately and the streets really get muddy.
4. For our teaching team. We are working on a material that will connect well with our kids in the Reservation.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers.